Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Wow, it feels like SO much has happened since my last update! The big one is that I finally got my gallbladder out! I'm on a super restricted diet for now (it's supposed to last 6-8 weeks minimum but I still get sick after eating certain foods and this is week 6, so I'm thinking it won't be 6 weeks...) but hopefully will be back to eating normally again at some point. I even have gone back to Zumba a couple of times! It's difficult because I still get tired super easily, so even though my brain is all set to go, my body is done after a couple of songs.

We chaperoned the homecoming dance and this is the first year we were in the gym - the last two years, we have been in the auditorium, which is where the students keep their purses and valuables during the dance, so it was fun to be where the action is and not keeping watch over personal possessions.

I missed the first marching competition of the year because it was 5 days after my surgery, but I was able to go to the second competition last weekend. Apparently 2 1/2 hours on a school bus and walking across a large college campus a couple of times was too much for me, because I got worn out and ended up spending half the day napping on the empty bus while everyone else watched the performances by other schools. It makes me nervous because there is another competition this weekend and it is even farther away and a MUCH longer day, and I just hate being stranded so far from home when I don't feel well.

I've been on vacation from work this week and I'm helping my sister out with her babies - she has a 13 month old and a 1 week old! I'm gonna let y'all in on a little secret - kids are a lot of work. Some days I think I'm more tired than when I work an open to close shift at work!

Combine all of that with school, and I am one tired band wife! As much fun as marching season is, I'm ready for it to be over so we both can have some breathing room!