Moving day came so quickly - we are far from done with the house projects that I wanted to get done pre-move, but what can ya do?
Husband finally has a piano in the house again - not exactly practical for an apartment! The best part was when the movers dropped it... that definitely helped lower the stress level for the day! {end sarcasm.} |
This DVD rack was my Christmas present and it took till now for it to get assembled... whoops! But it is complete and holds all of my movies! Now to bring over the DVD rack I already owned and get my TV on DVD all put away too... |
This was the dining room chandelier that came with the house. Not only is it ugly, but that wire job that they did is horrendous! |
So we picked up a new, modern chandelier! Thankfully, my mom was willing to install it and it looks a million times better. |
Banister before. All honey wood, of course. |
I honestly don't know how they ended up with such atrocious gouges in the top of the banister, but it had to go! |
After its makeover! This thing was a chore. Each spindle had to be meticulously painted and the whole thing took at least 5 coats, no joke - and this is with the paint + primer! It's almost done, just need a few more touchups, but this beast of a project was definitely worth it! |
We have our washer and dryer hooked up and I have two loads of laundry going while the Royals/Angels game is on. Not a bad end to a busy and stressful weekend!
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