1. All of my hair products.
This one didn't really become an issue until we got married and moved in together. Husband took one look at my arsenal of hair products and went, "do you REALLY need all this?" Yes. Yes I do. This mane does not like to be tamed. Husband also doesn't realize that these products actually do different things. One is for scrunching, one is for anti-frizz, one is for detangling, one is for volumizing... It takes a village.
2. I don't wash my hair every day.
As every major beauty magazine and website can attest, washing curly hair every day is really, really bad for it. Husband cannot wrap his mind around why I don't wash my hair every time I shower. I've tried to explain, but I don't think he actually wants an explanation, he just wants to be perplexed.
3. Blonde ponytailers and bobby pins.
He's finally starting to get on board with this one, but he still doesn't get why I prefer to use blonde hair accessories over brown or black. It just looks nicer to me! Mystery solved.
4. Why I don't straighten my hair every day.
When we first started dating, I straightened my hair regularly. Two years into our relationship, and nine years of regularly straightening had taken its toll on my hair, so I decided to embrace my curls. Husband has asked me a few times why I don't always wear my hair straight like I used to, and I feel like I break his heart a little when I remind him that in order to have healthy hair, I can't straighten every day. Poor guy fell in love with a straight-haired girl but married a curly-haired girl.
5. Why I dry my hair with a t-shirt, not a towel.
Again, the fashion mags can back me up here. It makes my hair less frizzy and poofy to wrap it in a cotton shirt, but that doesn't mean I don't get a weird look every now and then.
Boys have it so easy. They wash their hair, rub some gel into it, and go. My hair has to be on a schedule! It takes soooo loooong to air-dry that I have to plan my day around it on days I wash it. I can fully see why women go for mom-cuts. Way less maintenance.
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