Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fun Faves

Here are some things I've been loving over the last month!

1. Serial

I discovered this podcast a few weeks ago and listened to every episode in about a week. I love whodunnit stories! Definitely go give it a listen if you haven't already. I can't wait for season two!

2. Man v. Pin

I found this one when I was battling a horrendous flu a couple of weeks back (I think that's my fifth time having the flu this winter...) and I watched all of his videos in one bad, bed-ridden day. They're both informative and hilarious! Click here to watch!

3. Chocolate Toast Crunch

Okay, I love me some Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but things can only get better when you add chocolate, right? I've eaten two boxes already...

4. Orange is the New Black

Husband and I started watching this randomly and we are addicted. We watched the whole first season in less than two weeks, which is really saying something, considering how little he is home and how much homework I've had! It's a Netflix-only show and it's definitely for mature audiences only, so if you can handle those two things, give it a try!

5. Ghost

The Ella Henderson song, not the Patrick Swayze movie, although that is a good flick. I bought the song on iTunes pretty quickly after it hit the radio waves and I've had it on repeat quiiiite a bit lately.

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