Monday, August 4, 2014

Designer Puppies

Just for the record, I am 100% Team Pound Puppies. I fully support getting a pet from the pound rather than a pet shop - these doggies need homes! However, designer breed puppies are just too too cute. Here are some of my favorites:

Chiweenie : chihuahua + dachshund
Maltipoo : maltese + poodle
Pomsky : pomeranian + husky
Bogle : boxer + beagle
Wowauzer : Welsh terrier + miniature schnauzer
Lhasapoo : lhasa apso + poodle
This post really has no purpose other than to fill your day with adorable puppies. So cute!! Check out for info on more hybrid puppies and head over to your local shelter if you're in the market for a new furry friend!

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