The weather for our second home game was absolutely beautiful - much much nicer than the frigid temps of the first game! It was also military appreciation night, and the game kicked off with military servicemen and women riding around the track on motorcycles! It was so loud and so cool :)
This game was between the top two teams in the league, but it wasn't even remotely a close game. The final score was 70-15, so for those of us who don't particularly understand or enjoy football, we got to kick back and take in the atmosphere and the beautiful sunset!

And the marching band did amazing, of course! They performed the first two songs together for the first time and they looked and sounded incredible. Everyone had so many good things to say!
The initial plan was for me to leave after halftime (again) so I could get some more painting done on the house, but my husband volunteered me to walk some middle schoolers back to the classroom and bring him his classroom keys once they had all been picked up. The lady in charge of the middle schoolers commented that that was "so nice" of me to help out, but this is exactly what band wifing is all about: stepping in wherever my husband needs me :)
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