Sunday, November 8, 2015


You guys.

I went to two marching competitions out of the city and I didn't die.

I got a little sick on the first competition, but the second competition was actually fun! I didn't spend the entire day counting down the minutes till we could go home, which was SUCH an improvement over last year. The kids did great, they learned a lot, and watching other bands perform is always fun. The second competition resulted in a 17 hour day, and it was really cold outside after the sun went down, so I am now the proud owner of a super soft and warm blanket from the college's gift shop.

My mom and I went to a college basketball game yesterday, and for some reason, I started feeling really sick about halfway through. I instantly went to my old fallback of "how many more minutes until we can leave, how long will it take to walk to the car, how long until I'm home in my own bathroom" and frantically looking for the nearest trash can just in case. We ended up leaving the game early, and while I'm feeling better today, it reminded me how much I have not missed that feeling. I'm so thankful that I can enjoy life again. We've gone out to dinner with friends multiple times and we hosted a family and friends get together in our own house today for the first time. I'm so, so thankful that we can do these things now, especially since this same get together has been cancelled three other times because I was sick. Life is so good when our house is filled with people we love.

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